Why are we doing the Free eBook Campaign?
We were victims of a lack of awareness and wish we had been better prepared. Our family, and the experts we called upon, struggled for nearly two years after our son’s suicide attempt to understand that gender identity was the root of the problem.
More often, ignorance is merely a lack of awareness—when good people simply have not been exposed to information and experiences different from their own. We didn’t know it was possible that our child was actually a boy, not a girl. Many of the professionals we worked with didn’t know either, or they had some understanding of gender identity, but not enough experience to recognize the signs.
These days we see, hear and read more than ever about transgender people. Yet society has a long way to go. Most of us still do not talk about or learn about gender. We often conflate gender with sex or sexual orientation.
Children and their families often seek support through school counselors, social workers, therapists, doctors, nurses, and youth center staff. The likelihood of a strong positive outcome increases when those professionals have experience or awareness of transgender youth. For that reason, we are sharing our story, and conducting this Free eBook Campaign, to increase awareness … and compassion.
How to get your Free eBook
If you are an educator, social worker, health care worker, service provider, or LGBT youth center employee, we want to provide our eBook at no cost. Our goal is to reach as many people as possible in a position to help save and change lives.
The best way to share Allies & Angels is to have someone ask for it. If you’re interested, don’t be shy. We invite you to contact us with a brief statement describing your interest.
Request Form
At this time the Free eBook Campaign is limited to active and inactive professionals as described above. In the <Message> field, please indicate your profession or why you’d like a free eBook. After we review your request, we will send a link and instructions to download your free eBook.