When you purchase the Allies & Angels eBook, we make all three formats available for download (PDF, mobi, and epub)*. We also send you an email with the link and instructions that allow you to download at a later time, if you wish.
You are free to download any and all formats to accommodate your preferences, devices, or apps.
*Note: mobi and epub formats are Beta versions at this time.
Format Descriptions:
PDF (universal) – Adobe PDF format is a popular format viewable with the free Adobe Acrobat Reader, as well as many other apps and devices like Kindle and NOOK. With the PDF format, the eBook is formatted with pages that look very much like the printed book.
mobi (Kindle) – Mobi is the native format used for Kindle devices and apps. The eBook text is formatted by the device or app to flow according to the device or app settings.
epub (for iBooks and NOOK) – Epub is a native format used with iBooks and NOOK devices and apps. The eBook text is formatted by the device or app to flow according to the device or app settings.